all postcodes in LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District

LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 3PZ 20 0 53.251413 -0.546451
LN1 3QA 11 0 53.25175 -0.546125
LN1 3QG 45 0 53.25173 -0.548134
LN1 3QH 6 0 53.250693 -0.55193
LN1 3QJ 4 0 53.2503 -0.552138
LN1 3QL 18 0 53.250987 -0.55282
LN1 3QN 12 0 53.251747 -0.552898
LN1 3QP 10 0 53.251413 -0.552025
LN1 3QQ 28 0 53.25124 -0.550758
LN1 3QR 12 0 53.251683 -0.551342
LN1 3QS 12 0 53.252103 -0.551103
LN1 3QT 8 0 53.25223 -0.550469
LN1 3QU 12 0 53.252084 -0.549514
LN1 3QW 12 0 53.251943 -0.551962
LN1 3QX 8 0 53.252367 -0.549864
LN1 3QY 4 0 53.252474 -0.549503
LN1 3QZ 12 0 53.252195 -0.549016
LN1 3RA 8 0 53.252553 -0.548959
LN1 3RB 8 0 53.252646 -0.548446
LN1 3RD 12 0 53.252799 -0.547676