all postcodes in LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District

LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 1JB 7 0 53.233059 -0.544899
LN1 1JD 6 0 53.233041 -0.544105
LN1 1JE 35 0 53.233669 -0.544743
LN1 1JF 58 1 53.233968 -0.544958
LN1 1JH 5 0 53.232222 -0.543309
LN1 1JT 15 4 53.23116 -0.541428
LN1 1JU 1 1 53.230937 -0.541135
LN1 1JX 6 0 53.232017 -0.543466
LN1 1JY 10 0 53.232144 -0.544285
LN1 1JZ 8 1 53.232406 -0.545521
LN1 1LA 8 0 53.232727 -0.546814
LN1 1LB 30 0 53.233461 -0.547253
LN1 1LD 9 0 53.233103 -0.548149
LN1 1LE 27 0 53.23373 -0.547993
LN1 1LF 28 0 53.233635 -0.54972
LN1 1HJ 4 0 53.234367 -0.550413
LN1 1LG 7 0 53.2351 -0.550029
LN1 1LH 35 0 53.235112 -0.551017
LN1 1LJ 3 0 53.234915 -0.551863
LN1 1LL 33 0 53.235539 -0.550643