all postcodes in LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District

LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 1LN 5 0 53.235714 -0.549573
LN1 1LP 26 0 53.23608 -0.550085
LN1 1LQ 51 1 53.234317 -0.549261
LN1 1LR 25 0 53.236708 -0.549631
LN1 1LS 32 0 53.236444 -0.551152
LN1 1LT 17 0 53.236217 -0.552463
LN1 1LU 2 0 53.236412 -0.552667
LN1 1LW 3 1 53.234903 -0.549767
LN1 1LX 32 0 53.235821 -0.551667
LN1 1LY 35 0 53.23471 -0.552425
LN1 1LZ 30 1 53.235613 -0.553083
LN1 1NA 9 0 53.23511 -0.552396
LN1 1NB 20 0 53.235509 -0.554526
LN1 1ND 19 0 53.236035 -0.553728
LN1 1NL 6 2 53.230832 -0.541423
LN1 1NU 1 0 53.232059 -0.545412
LN1 1NW 5 5 53.231628 -0.542911
LN1 1PA 10 1 53.231504 -0.54636
LN1 1PB 4 2 53.231951 -0.546869
LN1 1PD 12 1 53.232921 -0.545788