all postcodes in LS10 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS10 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS10 1LJ 5 4 53.789835 -1.5339
LS10 1LS 1 0 53.788358 -1.532682
LS10 1LT 1 1 53.791862 -1.532416
LS10 1LU 576 0 53.789753 -1.52872
LS10 1LW 1 1 53.789559 -1.529542
LS10 1LX 1 1 53.793395 -1.540687
LS10 1LZ 1 1 53.789697 -1.530284
LS10 1NA 49 0 53.79355 -1.541217
LS10 1NB 45 1 53.793835 -1.540682
LS10 1ND 3 3 53.786968 -1.526718
LS10 1NE 15 15 53.793903 -1.537741
LS10 1NJ 9 3 53.783005 -1.529145
LS10 1NL 2 2 53.782921 -1.528755
LS10 1NN 1 1 53.763629 -1.502936
LS10 1NQ 1 1 53.786769 -1.528647
LS10 1NR 1 1 53.785536 -1.535081
LS10 1NT 9 5 53.785324 -1.533854
LS10 1NY 7 6 53.784041 -1.527327
LS10 1NZ 4 4 53.784543 -1.529845
LS10 1PF 5 5 53.785747 -1.531664