all postcodes in LS11 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS11 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS11 6HB 19 0 53.777104 -1.546586
LS11 6HD 8 0 53.776934 -1.546648
LS11 6HE 8 0 53.776822 -1.545754
LS11 6HF 30 0 53.775371 -1.547014
LS11 6HG 4 0 53.776759 -1.545694
LS11 6HH 18 0 53.776096 -1.546232
LS11 6HL 33 0 53.775317 -1.54703
LS11 6HN 2 0 53.775263 -1.547061
LS11 6HP 7 0 53.77451 -1.547509
LS11 6HR 29 0 53.774423 -1.548162
LS11 6HS 19 0 53.774432 -1.548238
LS11 6HT 29 0 53.774254 -1.548665
LS11 6HU 27 0 53.774283 -1.549317
LS11 6HW 22 0 53.774063 -1.550548
LS11 6HX 26 0 53.774276 -1.549681
LS11 6HY 26 0 53.774322 -1.550136
LS11 6HZ 13 0 53.774323 -1.550212
LS11 6JA 11 0 53.774253 -1.550774
LS11 6JB 15 0 53.774433 -1.550787
LS11 6JD 16 0 53.774478 -1.550953