all postcodes in LS11 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS11 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS11 6NT 32 0 53.780561 -1.548066
LS11 6NW 1 1 53.781283 -1.546343
LS11 6PF 1 1 53.778907 -1.545595
LS11 6QB 1 1 53.782032 -1.547276
LS11 6QY 11 2 53.771784 -1.549055
LS11 6QZ 35 0 53.772003 -1.550009
LS11 6RA 11 0 53.772252 -1.549384
LS11 6RB 20 0 53.772478 -1.549655
LS11 6RD 28 1 53.772544 -1.55058
LS11 6RX 2 1 53.779291 -1.547796
LS11 6TA 43 0 53.78028 -1.547523
LS11 6TE 27 0 53.77965 -1.549457
LS11 6TF 18 0 53.780181 -1.552076
LS11 6TL 13 0 53.779495 -1.548957
LS11 6TN 20 1 53.779468 -1.547126
LS11 6TR 13 0 53.779915 -1.550698
LS11 6TS 19 0 53.780994 -1.550793
LS11 6TT 4 4 53.781375 -1.547101
LS11 6TW 35 0 53.780456 -1.549194
LS11 6TY 61 0 53.781582 -1.549557