all postcodes in LS11 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS11 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS11 6LG 52 0 53.772961 -1.549134
LS11 6LH 20 0 53.772784 -1.549788
LS11 6LJ 11 0 53.773089 -1.549679
LS11 6LL 4 0 53.773288 -1.549904
LS11 6LN 25 0 53.773515 -1.550569
LS11 6LP 38 0 53.773534 -1.550948
LS11 6LQ 25 0 53.773211 -1.551134
LS11 6LU 6 0 53.775507 -1.552692
LS11 6LX 12 0 53.775752 -1.552806
LS11 6LY 16 0 53.775951 -1.553153
LS11 6LZ 27 0 53.775394 -1.553144
LS11 6NA 24 0 53.775961 -1.553274
LS11 6NB 13 0 53.776186 -1.553484
LS11 6NF 21 0 53.781786 -1.551149
LS11 6NH 47 0 53.782786 -1.549362
LS11 6NJ 34 0 53.782719 -1.550577
LS11 6NL 37 0 53.782066 -1.546699
LS11 6NN 53 0 53.782477 -1.546012
LS11 6NR 9 1 53.780846 -1.547319
LS11 6NS 37 0 53.781032 -1.548926