all postcodes in LS11 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS11 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS11 6JE 79 0 53.774851 -1.549766
LS11 6JF 32 0 53.774453 -1.551591
LS11 6JG 63 1 53.77504 -1.549703
LS11 6JH 16 0 53.775889 -1.546128
LS11 6JJ 1 0 53.775693 -1.546677
LS11 6JN 37 0 53.775431 -1.546164
LS11 6LB 1 0 53.775646 -1.545964
LS11 6JP 25 0 53.775242 -1.546181
LS11 6JQ 11 4 53.775429 -1.545617
LS11 6JR 24 0 53.774739 -1.546262
LS11 6JS 11 0 53.774731 -1.546611
LS11 6JT 8 2 53.773635 -1.547052
LS11 6JU 18 1 53.77389 -1.547667
LS11 6JX 28 1 53.773156 -1.548221
LS11 6JY 28 0 53.773138 -1.548297
LS11 6JZ 14 0 53.773508 -1.548794
LS11 6LA 3 0 53.77329 -1.548603
LS11 6LD 16 0 53.772671 -1.548545
LS11 6LE 24 1 53.772746 -1.549747
LS11 6LF 41 0 53.772925 -1.549043