all postcodes in LS9 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS9 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS9 7BJ 21 9 53.807886 -1.511631
LS9 7BL 1 1 53.80632 -1.513395
LS9 7BN 14 0 53.807368 -1.512593
LS9 7BP 9 0 53.807759 -1.513697
LS9 7BU 2 0 53.807688 -1.512077
LS9 7BW 16 0 53.807676 -1.51303
LS9 7BX 6 4 53.808501 -1.51258
LS9 7BY 29 0 53.80764 -1.513
LS9 7BZ 25 0 53.807531 -1.512759
LS9 7DD 1 1 53.80414 -1.507757
LS9 7DG 45 0 53.804098 -1.510581
LS9 7DH 30 1 53.803061 -1.509774
LS9 7DJ 39 0 53.802965 -1.508454
LS9 7DN 1 1 53.805392 -1.512738
LS9 7DP 4 4 53.799539 -1.530877
LS9 7DQ 13 0 53.803321 -1.50971
LS9 7DR 26 10 53.802506 -1.530657
LS9 7DZ 30 23 53.802379 -1.53031
LS9 7DU 1 1 53.801371 -1.532371
LS9 7EH 9 0 53.799652 -1.529338