all postcodes in LS9 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS9 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS9 7UL 40 0 53.804056 -1.520224
LS9 7UQ 33 1 53.805338 -1.517233
LS9 7UT 1 1 53.827163 -1.456774
LS9 7UY 13 0 53.79918 -1.521509
LS9 7UZ 9 0 53.799293 -1.520521
LS9 7WR 1 1 53.827163 -1.456774
LS9 7BE 2 53.805275 -1.524496
LS9 7HP 1 53.802836 -1.520891
LS9 7DB 3 0 53.800474 -1.532669
LS9 7DE 6 0 53.800536 -1.532608
LS9 7DT 1 0 53.80042 -1.532746
LS9 7DX 10 53.804894 -1.509813
LS9 7DW 16 0 53.799183 -1.52907
LS9 7DS 1 53.800896 -1.532588
LS9 7AS 1 53.806846 -1.525719
LS9 7AX 1 53.808257 -1.514466
LS9 7BF 3 0 53.808498 -1.516377
LS9 7BQ 1 1 53.799762 -1.527758