all postcodes in LS9 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS9 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS9 7JD 8 0 53.803295 -1.52787
LS9 7JE 2 2 53.803205 -1.519175
LS9 7JH 43 0 53.803813 -1.517903
LS9 7JJ 66 0 53.804578 -1.516073
LS9 7JT 20 0 53.805365 -1.515016
LS9 7JU 18 0 53.804195 -1.519083
LS9 7JX 1 1 53.80554 -1.520617
LS9 7LN 1 1 53.808184 -1.518673
LS9 7LP 24 0 53.803808 -1.523491
LS9 7LR 60 0 53.803183 -1.524455
LS9 7LS 8 0 53.80276 -1.52446
LS9 7LT 16 0 53.802693 -1.525538
LS9 7LW 36 0 53.804509 -1.523574
LS9 7LX 60 0 53.803352 -1.528613
LS9 7LY 18 16 53.803838 -1.529204
LS9 7NB 4 3 53.803959 -1.529821
LS9 7NF 1 1 53.805582 -1.528862
LS9 7NG 1 1 53.805415 -1.529972
LS9 7NN 13 9 53.806732 -1.526389
LS9 7NP 14 0 53.804486 -1.527238