all postcodes in LS9 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS9 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS9 7EP 45 0 53.801505 -1.518568
LS9 7ER 54 0 53.801505 -1.518568
LS9 7ES 45 0 53.801175 -1.519057
LS9 7ET 54 0 53.801175 -1.519057
LS9 7EU 45 0 53.801773 -1.518094
LS9 7EX 54 0 53.801773 -1.518094
LS9 7EY 10 0 53.801644 -1.519386
LS9 7EZ 25 0 53.802278 -1.518574
LS9 7HA 21 0 53.801694 -1.520661
LS9 7HB 47 0 53.802381 -1.517161
LS9 7HD 1 1 53.802103 -1.521947
LS9 7HE 2 1 53.801001 -1.520992
LS9 7HH 6 0 53.800837 -1.522679
LS9 7HR 1 1 53.808956 -1.511755
LS9 7HT 33 0 53.802051 -1.520171
LS9 7HU 19 0 53.802964 -1.519143
LS9 7HW 17 0 53.802517 -1.51971
LS9 7HX 26 0 53.801169 -1.522079
LS9 7JA 11 0 53.802565 -1.527377
LS9 7JB 29 0 53.803129 -1.526885