all postcodes in LS9 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS9 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS9 0SF 3 2 53.784261 -1.511135
LS9 0SG 16 15 53.785606 -1.512041
LS9 0SH 9 5 53.788683 -1.5002
LS9 0SJ 1 1 53.78501 -1.509043
LS9 0SL 1 1 53.786522 -1.498659
LS9 0SN 2 2 53.78768 -1.498967
LS9 0SR 9 7 53.787825 -1.499208
LS9 0SS 4 4 53.786075 -1.497742
LS9 0ST 3 2 53.786946 -1.501234
LS9 0SW 8 8 53.779788 -1.502563
LS9 0SY 13 0 53.790248 -1.519713
LS9 0SZ 6 0 53.789855 -1.520416
LS9 0TJ 16 0 53.798371 -1.492976
LS9 0TL 47 0 53.797288 -1.494037
LS9 0TP 2 2 53.789539 -1.508762
LS9 0TT 1 1 53.79741 -1.48479
LS9 0WU 1 0 53.827163 -1.456774
LS9 0AY 1 1 53.785391 -1.509919
LS9 0TW 1 1 53.781077 -1.505583
LS9 0TN 4 0 53.789286 -1.499795