all postcodes in LS9 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS9 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS9 0EH 25 1 53.800832 -1.479919
LS9 0EJ 17 0 53.800555 -1.478283
LS9 0EL 35 0 53.800322 -1.478499
LS9 0EN 23 0 53.800422 -1.480835
LS9 0EQ 10 0 53.802074 -1.47831
LS9 0ER 18 0 53.79911 -1.483008
LS9 0ES 8 0 53.799268 -1.484053
LS9 0ET 18 0 53.79931 -1.483385
LS9 0EU 10 0 53.799423 -1.484719
LS9 0EW 17 8 53.800131 -1.482114
LS9 0EX 34 0 53.797868 -1.486636
LS9 0EY 42 0 53.795689 -1.490003
LS9 0EZ 21 0 53.795623 -1.48926
LS9 0HB 51 3 53.797801 -1.485772
LS9 0HD 3 3 53.796577 -1.487457
LS9 0HE 2 2 53.786819 -1.499296
LS9 0HH 61 3 53.801255 -1.492683
LS9 0HJ 20 4 53.800846 -1.485768
LS9 0HL 4 2 53.800286 -1.484587
LS9 0HN 40 0 53.799167 -1.488309