all postcodes in LS9 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS9 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS9 0NY 2 2 53.785189 -1.518166
LS9 0PF 9 9 53.783644 -1.513475
LS9 0PJ 3 3 53.779542 -1.508761
LS9 0AN 5 5 53.788699 -1.492865
LS9 0PS 1 1 53.783976 -1.489644
LS9 0PT 5 5 53.788378 -1.508381
LS9 0PX 2 2 53.790143 -1.507666
LS9 0QP 1 1 53.789539 -1.508762
LS9 0RA 2 2 53.786064 -1.505726
LS9 0RD 20 0 53.790879 -1.520253
LS9 0RE 18 0 53.789975 -1.521159
LS9 0RF 6 0 53.790228 -1.521535
LS9 0RJ 6 5 53.788719 -1.50656
LS9 0RQ 15 8 53.78665 -1.523549
LS9 0RR 1 1 53.786039 -1.501366
LS9 0RT 1 1 53.784555 -1.518853
LS9 0RW 1 1 53.789102 -1.507553
LS9 0RY 6 5 53.786852 -1.513271
LS9 0SD 1 1 53.787236 -1.512811
LS9 0SE 9 9 53.783774 -1.508348