all postcodes in LU7 / LEIGHTON BUZZARD

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Postcode Area

LU / Luton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LU7 0HA 14 2 51.92887 -0.765239
LU7 0HB 12 0 51.928561 -0.765742
LU7 0HD 9 0 51.925112 -0.763539
LU7 0HE 10 0 51.935826 -0.773514
LU7 0HF 8 0 51.925721 -0.763246
LU7 0HG 7 0 51.925619 -0.761315
LU7 0HH 10 0 51.927669 -0.763004
LU7 0HJ 8 0 51.927284 -0.763145
LU7 0HL 10 0 51.926715 -0.762899
LU7 0HN 7 0 51.926883 -0.760946
LU7 0HP 19 0 51.925494 -0.762205
LU7 0HQ 4 0 51.926024 -0.76134
LU7 0HR 47 5 51.922766 -0.760986
LU7 0HS 17 0 51.921075 -0.760989
LU7 0HT 55 0 51.925343 -0.75981
LU7 0HU 31 0 51.922116 -0.759913
LU7 0HW 7 0 51.92578 -0.759514
LU7 0HX 1 0 51.920079 -0.76114
LU7 0HY 19 0 51.919318 -0.760616
LU7 0HZ 21 0 51.919269 -0.761904