all postcodes in M14 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M14 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M14 6RU 36 0 53.437318 -2.210281
M14 6RW 47 0 53.436341 -2.213904
M14 6RX 18 1 53.437897 -2.208176
M14 6RY 26 0 53.438212 -2.208027
M14 6RZ 30 0 53.438278 -2.21167
M14 6SA 13 0 53.437956 -2.210525
M14 6SB 18 0 53.438016 -2.212241
M14 6SE 8 0 53.433814 -2.20933
M14 6SG 13 4 53.433508 -2.209976
M14 6SP 14 2 53.43552 -2.21462
M14 6SQ 36 10 53.434839 -2.213428
M14 6SR 37 8 53.434851 -2.212541
M14 6SS 1 1 53.440756 -2.21793
M14 6ST 26 0 53.435194 -2.212227
M14 6SU 30 0 53.435473 -2.211837
M14 6SX 22 1 53.435294 -2.211249
M14 6SY 16 0 53.4355 -2.211551
M14 6SZ 34 0 53.435178 -2.210902
M14 6TA 28 0 53.435071 -2.210556
M14 6TB 31 0 53.435297 -2.209473