all postcodes in M14 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M14 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M14 6QR 8 0 53.439712 -2.208561
M14 6QT 6 0 53.437311 -2.21427
M14 6QU 16 0 53.437448 -2.212916
M14 6QW 21 0 53.439976 -2.206681
M14 6QX 6 0 53.437433 -2.211531
M14 6QY 8 0 53.435934 -2.214216
M14 6QZ 19 0 53.438645 -2.207261
M14 6RA 34 0 53.436066 -2.215692
M14 6RB 32 0 53.436014 -2.216054
M14 6RD 50 0 53.436025 -2.214941
M14 6RE 22 0 53.436715 -2.214822
M14 6RF 33 0 53.436718 -2.214176
M14 6RG 12 0 53.437646 -2.213233
M14 6RL 15 0 53.437445 -2.214888
M14 6RN 16 2 53.437964 -2.214919
M14 6RP 42 0 53.437929 -2.215808
M14 6RQ 17 1 53.436171 -2.213692
M14 6RR 21 0 53.437854 -2.212105
M14 6RS 29 0 53.437306 -2.212237
M14 6RT 14 0 53.437686 -2.210764