all postcodes in M14 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M14 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M14 6NB 25 0 53.4436 -2.221151
M14 6ND 54 4 53.442257 -2.218239
M14 6NG 15 0 53.440027 -2.213787
M14 6NL 1 0 53.441509 -2.219199
M14 6NN 1 1 53.44337 -2.214165
M14 6NP 16 0 53.44162 -2.217588
M14 6NQ 31 4 53.440952 -2.213957
M14 6NR 9 0 53.441981 -2.216311
M14 6NS 82 2 53.441095 -2.219573
M14 6NW 19 7 53.4416 -2.218446
M14 6NX 8 0 53.441796 -2.214533
M14 6PA 37 1 53.441767 -2.210634
M14 6PB 28 0 53.441744 -2.208165
M14 6PD 15 3 53.441712 -2.206253
M14 6PE 24 0 53.443016 -2.205958
M14 6PF 10 0 53.444588 -2.206462
M14 6PG 18 0 53.441348 -2.208479
M14 6PH 24 0 53.446214 -2.206907
M14 6PJ 27 0 53.44626 -2.2062
M14 6PL 4 2 53.445389 -2.205503