all postcodes in M14 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M14 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M14 6PN 22 0 53.441594 -2.206764
M14 6PQ 22 0 53.441618 -2.208405
M14 6PR 36 0 53.44165 -2.210678
M14 6PS 36 0 53.441362 -2.210692
M14 6PT 36 0 53.441236 -2.210782
M14 6PU 36 0 53.440983 -2.210704
M14 6PW 20 0 53.441342 -2.206733
M14 6PX 14 0 53.441213 -2.20887
M14 6PY 30 0 53.440971 -2.208387
M14 6PZ 27 0 53.44119 -2.206672
M14 6QA 31 0 53.440947 -2.20652
M14 6QB 1 0 53.439339 -2.221159
M14 6QE 4 0 53.439863 -2.209661
M14 6QG 24 0 53.43952 -2.210668
M14 6QH 31 0 53.440514 -2.212494
M14 6QJ 13 0 53.439986 -2.211453
M14 6QL 22 0 53.440168 -2.210235
M14 6QN 42 0 53.440459 -2.207948
M14 6QP 16 0 53.438848 -2.209189
M14 6QQ 30 0 53.439017 -2.210409