all postcodes in M29 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M29 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M29 7DW 1 53.505336 -2.47112
M29 7DX 2 53.499368 -2.459566
M29 7DY 9 53.499157 -2.460604
M29 7DZ 1 53.496043 -2.461595
M29 7EA 0 53.495066 -2.460876
M29 7EB 0 53.504294 -2.463962
M29 7ED 0 53.494316 -2.461848
M29 7EE 1 53.495357 -2.464783
M29 7EF 0 53.502913 -2.460961
M29 7EG 0 53.508576 -2.463149
M29 7EH 0 53.493454 -2.468772
M29 7EJ 1 53.494034 -2.471899
M29 7EL 0 53.494733 -2.47257
M29 7EN 0 53.491828 -2.477481
M29 7EP 0 53.506005 -2.460859
M29 7EQ 0 53.507161 -2.461761
M29 7ER 1 53.503244 -2.449582
M29 7ES 0 53.5041 -2.448883
M29 7ET 33 2 53.503905 -2.45066
M29 7EW 4 2 53.489155 -2.469282