all postcodes in M33 / SALE

find any address or company within the M33 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District

M33 / SALE

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M33 2JW 10 0 53.421517 -2.294814
M33 2JX 23 0 53.420607 -2.29225
M33 2JY 11 0 53.419755 -2.291326
M33 2JZ 13 0 53.419808 -2.291838
M33 2LA 60 0 53.416456 -2.287527
M33 2LB 10 0 53.416111 -2.285539
M33 2LD 14 0 53.415835 -2.287974
M33 2LE 17 0 53.418199 -2.287975
M33 2LF 17 0 53.419767 -2.290032
M33 2LG 17 0 53.425219 -2.299234
M33 2LH 11 0 53.416643 -2.288581
M33 2LJ 8 0 53.415252 -2.287519
M33 2LL 7 0 53.420017 -2.290726
M33 2LN 6 0 53.42692 -2.301699
M33 2LP 12 1 53.425247 -2.302078
M33 2LQ 7 0 53.426642 -2.301351
M33 2LR 27 0 53.424233 -2.298023
M33 2LS 18 1 53.423947 -2.297254
M33 2LT 15 0 53.424397 -2.296896
M33 2LW 12 0 53.417331 -2.28651