all postcodes in M33 / SALE

find any address or company within the M33 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District

M33 / SALE

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M33 2GF 8 0 53.420234 -2.296867
M33 2GG 6 0 53.422311 -2.293751
M33 2GH 5 0 53.42032 -2.295468
M33 2GJ 6 0 53.42136 -2.296799
M33 2GL 6 0 53.420706 -2.295636
M33 2GN 12 0 53.422196 -2.29673
M33 2GP 10 0 53.421875 -2.295343
M33 2GT 3 0 53.420951 -2.291214
M33 2GZ 1 1 53.423506 -2.29397
M33 2HA 27 0 53.42198 -2.300475
M33 2HB 16 0 53.422022 -2.301258
M33 2HD 46 0 53.422129 -2.30171
M33 2HH 12 0 53.421149 -2.301703
M33 2HL 25 0 53.425452 -2.306429
M33 2HN 41 0 53.418049 -2.301651
M33 2HP 18 0 53.420891 -2.300979
M33 2HQ 36 0 53.422227 -2.298656
M33 2HS 19 11 53.420031 -2.30323
M33 2HT 35 0 53.420954 -2.300694
M33 2HU 9 0 53.421912 -2.298804