all postcodes in M33 / SALE

find any address or company within the M33 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District

M33 / SALE

select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M33 2FA 40 0 53.423515 -2.304835
M33 2FB 24 0 53.421741 -2.306071
M33 2FD 43 0 53.42221 -2.305322
M33 2FE 4 4 53.420752 -2.305568
M33 2FG 18 0 53.423024 -2.303191
M33 2FJ 12 0 53.423395 -2.302216
M33 2FL 6 0 53.423683 -2.302097
M33 2FN 29 0 53.424473 -2.299153
M33 2FP 51 0 53.421133 -2.304607
M33 2FQ 21 0 53.423167 -2.303809
M33 2FR 5 0 53.42557 -2.30947
M33 2FS 26 0 53.426609 -2.3074
M33 2FT 26 0 53.426652 -2.304707
M33 2FU 4 0 53.423802 -2.301526
M33 2FW 9 0 53.421937 -2.299617
M33 2FX 7 0 53.423726 -2.299524
M33 2FY 9 0 53.422893 -2.298209
M33 2FZ 28 0 53.421709 -2.300399
M33 2GB 16 0 53.420209 -2.300493
M33 2GD 6 0 53.420158 -2.299319