all postcodes in M40 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M40 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M40 0DS 28 0 53.515052 -2.176222
M40 0DT 50 0 53.515618 -2.176164
M40 0DU 20 0 53.516753 -2.174646
M40 0DW 28 0 53.515617 -2.176933
M40 0DX 20 0 53.516455 -2.175308
M40 0DY 20 0 53.517606 -2.17477
M40 0DZ 14 0 53.517849 -2.174771
M40 0EA 3 0 53.52024 -2.174765
M40 0EB 3 0 53.520385 -2.174208
M40 0ED 3 0 53.520602 -2.173319
M40 0EE 2 0 53.518607 -2.177456
M40 0EF 5 0 53.520855 -2.172551
M40 0EG 3 0 53.520466 -2.173861
M40 0EH 4 0 53.521088 -2.172567
M40 0EJ 15 0 53.519407 -2.179045
M40 0EL 10 0 53.518526 -2.178785
M40 0EN 26 0 53.518996 -2.177339
M40 0EP 6 0 53.520333 -2.17276
M40 0EQ 18 0 53.522235 -2.17509
M40 0ES 22 0 53.519332 -2.175033