all postcodes in M40 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M40 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M40 0ET 5 0 53.52054 -2.172625
M40 0EU 4 0 53.521311 -2.17246
M40 0EW 7 1 53.51817 -2.176341
M40 0EX 3 0 53.521662 -2.173821
M40 0EY 5 0 53.521482 -2.173519
M40 0EZ 4 0 53.522054 -2.174318
M40 0FA 7 0 53.519719 -2.174356
M40 0FB 9 0 53.520163 -2.178294
M40 0FD 3 0 53.51875 -2.173221
M40 0FE 6 0 53.518291 -2.173928
M40 0FF 3 0 53.518255 -2.173566
M40 0FG 7 0 53.51945 -2.174249
M40 0FH 4 0 53.521815 -2.173098
M40 0FL 30 0 53.519192 -2.178215
M40 0FN 15 0 53.518839 -2.17387
M40 0FP 7 0 53.521664 -2.172268
M40 0FQ 14 0 53.519989 -2.174071
M40 0FR 8 0 53.519216 -2.174203
M40 0FS 11 0 53.518505 -2.175196
M40 0FT 5 0 53.521735 -2.17272