all postcodes in M / Manchester

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Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District

M / Manchester

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M1 1PX 4 3 53.483278 -2.245948
M1 1WA 4 4 53.48165 -2.238799
M1 1WD 1 0 53.48244 -2.234494
M1 1WR 20 14 53.48274 -2.24197
M1 2BE 57 0 53.47988 -2.229372
M1 1WT 1 1 53.483374 -2.244023
M1 2AE 1 0 53.481184 -2.233477
M1 2AF 1 1 53.481067 -2.233477
M1 2AG 3 2 53.480946 -2.234604
M1 2AH 1 0 53.476189 -2.222451
M1 2AN 5 4 53.480995 -2.233687
M1 2AP 14 13 53.481125 -2.234921
M1 2AQ 3 3 53.481009 -2.234755
M1 2AW 1 0 53.480922 -2.233973
M1 2AY 1 0 53.480402 -2.233473
M1 2BA 5 1 53.480167 -2.233288
M1 2BN 18 11 53.477047 -2.229974
M1 2BP 3 3 53.476877 -2.229807
M1 2BS 3 1 53.480751 -2.234108
M1 2BU 27 1 53.480527 -2.23382