all postcodes in ME10 / SITTINGBOURNE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME10 2EW 20 0 51.357073 0.731705
ME10 2EX 16 0 51.353896 0.740395
ME10 2EY 30 0 51.354661 0.739578
ME10 2GZ 5 5 51.345361 0.733049
ME10 2HA 11 2 51.35514 0.739478
ME10 2HE 4 1 51.354749 0.73421
ME10 2HF 6 0 51.354765 0.738118
ME10 2HG 24 0 51.354137 0.738052
ME10 2HH 19 0 51.354676 0.736547
ME10 2HJ 35 4 51.354176 0.736088
ME10 2HL 21 0 51.355467 0.732342
ME10 2HN 16 0 51.354062 0.737042
ME10 2HP 10 0 51.353199 0.733931
ME10 2HQ 25 0 51.355695 0.731408
ME10 2HR 40 0 51.359011 0.733186
ME10 2HS 32 0 51.352338 0.730361
ME10 2HT 14 1 51.353137 0.730796
ME10 2HU 28 0 51.353639 0.730122
ME10 2HW 10 0 51.352271 0.731678
ME10 2HX 16 0 51.352853 0.729501