all postcodes in ME10 / SITTINGBOURNE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME10 3HH 6 6 51.342314 0.740293
ME10 3HT 1 1 51.339498 0.740999
ME10 3HU 2 2 51.340504 0.740371
ME10 3HW 1 1 51.339214 0.734379
ME10 3HX 5 5 51.345137 0.741897
ME10 3HY 1 1 51.341514 0.740171
ME10 3HZ 1 0 51.34045 0.741041
ME10 3JB 1 1 51.34405 0.742103
ME10 3JF 1 1 51.339214 0.734379
ME10 3JN 47 2 51.341241 0.742596
ME10 3JP 1 1 51.345688 0.752155
ME10 3JQ 5 0 51.342319 0.743063
ME10 3JR 36 0 51.339896 0.743607
ME10 3JS 41 0 51.339945 0.746109
ME10 3JT 48 0 51.340083 0.748
ME10 3JU 62 1 51.340058 0.750495
ME10 3JX 24 0 51.340017 0.752216
ME10 3LA 51 0 51.338285 0.752069
ME10 3LB 50 1 51.339409 0.752466
ME10 3LD 22 0 51.340113 0.754275