all postcodes in ME10 / SITTINGBOURNE

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Postcode Area

ME / Rochester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ME10 3DL 31 25 51.340696 0.735556
ME10 3DN 11 9 51.340589 0.739831
ME10 3DP 1 1 51.342345 0.740795
ME10 3DS 1 0 51.339889 0.74197
ME10 3DU 41 13 51.341172 0.733346
ME10 3DW 4 4 51.34137 0.736058
ME10 3DZ 3 3 51.339428 0.746008
ME10 3EA 8 0 51.339597 0.759356
ME10 3ED 3 3 51.341999 0.734903
ME10 3EE 16 2 51.341412 0.733073
ME10 3EF 43 0 51.341306 0.732234
ME10 3EG 22 2 51.341911 0.732053
ME10 3EL 1 1 51.342244 0.732776
ME10 3EU 5 5 51.350552 0.756668
ME10 3EW 26 21 51.341697 0.746689
ME10 3TB 63 60 51.342006 0.748833
ME10 3EX 3 1 51.343375 0.73326
ME10 3FP 1 1 51.350851 0.761181
ME10 3HB 7 5 51.343927 0.751274
ME10 3HG 1 1 51.339214 0.734379