all postcodes in MK12 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK12 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK12 5BD 12 0 52.058825 -0.816576
MK12 5BE 13 0 52.058887 -0.815568
MK12 5BG 3 2 52.059021 -0.814573
MK12 5BH 34 0 52.059705 -0.816422
MK12 5BJ 22 0 52.060884 -0.816551
MK12 5BN 27 0 52.060988 -0.816183
MK12 5BP 32 0 52.059652 -0.817459
MK12 5BQ 32 0 52.059728 -0.815983
MK12 5BS 19 0 52.060118 -0.819022
MK12 5BT 1 1 52.05967 -0.822811
MK12 5BU 18 0 52.060438 -0.818692
MK12 5BW 34 0 52.059712 -0.817092
MK12 5BX 22 0 52.060823 -0.817647
MK12 5BY 23 0 52.060846 -0.817267
MK12 5DA 52 0 52.056109 -0.816458
MK12 5DB 52 0 52.054821 -0.81445
MK12 5DD 52 0 52.053954 -0.813161
MK12 5DE 1 1 52.055036 -0.817901
MK12 5DF 1 1 52.054197 -0.814934
MK12 5DG 14 6 52.061246 -0.810488