all postcodes in MK12 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK12 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK12 6AA 14 0 52.055789 -0.824066
MK12 6AB 26 0 52.055439 -0.822325
MK12 6AD 24 0 52.054904 -0.820909
MK12 6AE 22 0 52.054292 -0.823565
MK12 6AF 24 0 52.053725 -0.821713
MK12 6AG 24 0 52.053578 -0.82144
MK12 6AH 52 0 52.053803 -0.825022
MK12 6AJ 52 0 52.053201 -0.824177
MK12 6AL 52 0 52.051456 -0.824077
MK12 6AN 52 0 52.052032 -0.822356
MK12 6AP 46 0 52.052432 -0.819166
MK12 6AQ 15 0 52.05339 -0.819724
MK12 6AR 52 0 52.052595 -0.817499
MK12 6AS 52 0 52.052767 -0.815788
MK12 6AT 3 2 52.054291 -0.819666
MK12 6AU 4 3 52.053714 -0.817951
MK12 6AW 52 0 52.052241 -0.82079
MK12 6AX 27 5 52.053693 -0.817572
MK12 6AY 1 1 52.054586 -0.827787
MK12 6AZ 1 1 52.05302 -0.825801