all postcodes in MK12 / MILTON KEYNES

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Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK12 5JN 18 12 52.062509 -0.809141
MK12 5JQ 9 7 52.063281 -0.807225
MK12 5JR 15 1 52.062007 -0.813735
MK12 5JS 29 0 52.061888 -0.815387
MK12 5JT 16 0 52.061788 -0.817067
MK12 5JU 21 0 52.061687 -0.818572
MK12 5JW 39 6 52.062213 -0.811638
MK12 5JY 24 0 52.061429 -0.818885
MK12 5JZ 10 0 52.06157 -0.81681
MK12 5LA 14 1 52.061633 -0.815904
MK12 5LB 14 1 52.061808 -0.813653
MK12 5LD 38 3 52.06197 -0.811913
MK12 5LG 12 8 52.062095 -0.809789
MK12 5LJ 38 17 52.063076 -0.809879
MK12 5LS 10 1 52.062575 -0.813968
MK12 5LT 26 2 52.06244 -0.815693
MK12 5LU 18 2 52.06235 -0.817207
MK12 5LW 40 8 52.062754 -0.812038
MK12 5LX 14 7 52.062201 -0.819667
MK12 5NA 16 14 52.065998 -0.817291