all postcodes in MK12 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK12 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK12 5NE 3 1 52.058811 -0.834955
MK12 5NF 16 9 52.059981 -0.834848
MK12 5NH 3 0 52.063727 -0.829327
MK12 5NJ 13 1 52.062901 -0.826723
MK12 5NL 16 11 52.065151 -0.825785
MK12 5NN 21 7 52.068243 -0.823213
MK12 5NP 11 9 52.065591 -0.819723
MK12 5NT 1 1 52.062971 -0.815737
MK12 5NW 17 15 52.059656 -0.834101
MK12 5NX 3 2 52.061309 -0.831852
MK12 5NY 1 1 52.047583 -0.828772
MK12 5NZ 2 1 52.061203 -0.839323
MK12 5PA 3 0 52.061796 -0.830457
MK12 5PB 38 0 52.062979 -0.825496
MK12 5PD 23 0 52.063259 -0.824803
MK12 5PE 11 0 52.063464 -0.824623
MK12 5PF 2 0 52.063831 -0.824112
MK12 5PG 37 0 52.063086 -0.823597
MK12 5PH 24 0 52.064116 -0.824168
MK12 5PJ 11 0 52.063884 -0.82521