all postcodes in MK14 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK14 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK14 6BE 36 0 52.065416 -0.765781
MK14 6BG 41 0 52.065944 -0.765489
MK14 6BH 46 0 52.06706 -0.770769
MK14 6BJ 56 0 52.061979 -0.761223
MK14 6BL 11 4 52.061376 -0.773894
MK14 6BN 1 1 52.060594 -0.77218
MK14 6BQ 31 0 52.066919 -0.77194
MK14 6BS 26 0 52.062929 -0.764391
MK14 6BT 18 0 52.063148 -0.763845
MK14 6BU 53 0 52.063571 -0.761295
MK14 6BW 1 1 52.056656 -0.760349
MK14 6BX 20 0 52.063042 -0.762287
MK14 6BY 8 0 52.062561 -0.76354
MK14 6BZ 17 0 52.063342 -0.76346
MK14 6DB 15 0 52.06335 -0.759959
MK14 6DD 22 0 52.064134 -0.760959
MK14 6DE 10 0 52.06252 -0.759618
MK14 6DF 16 0 52.062301 -0.760207
MK14 6DG 24 0 52.062756 -0.762412
MK14 6DH 40 0 52.062476 -0.761428