all postcodes in MK14 / MILTON KEYNES

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Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK14 6LJ 1 1 52.054929 -0.759376
MK14 6LQ 1 1 52.05751 -0.759283
MK14 6LR 1 1 52.054088 -0.758976
MK14 6LS 13 12 52.057385 -0.759389
MK14 6LY 36 20 52.056003 -0.757866
MK14 6NA 1 1 52.060501 -0.749827
MK14 6EW 1 0 52.056567 -0.77164
MK14 6NS 1 1 52.060988 -0.751681
MK14 6PB 1 1 52.052889 -0.76897
MK14 6PD 1 1 52.056248 -0.756626
MK14 6PH 2 2 52.058193 -0.758389
MK14 6PL 5 4 52.053981 -0.759927
MK14 6PP 2 1 52.054645 -0.757029
MK14 6TA 16 0 52.060264 -0.767484
MK14 6TB 25 0 52.060414 -0.766342
MK14 6TD 33 0 52.06115 -0.76708
MK14 6TS 1 1 52.054863 -0.760019
MK14 6XG 1 1 52.047583 -0.828772
MK14 6XT 1 1 52.059275 -0.758891
MK14 6ZY 1 1 52.047583 -0.828772