all postcodes in MK17 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK17 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK17 0JQ 30 0 51.948347 -0.778324
MK17 0JR 44 2 51.949918 -0.778892
MK17 0JS 30 2 51.950118 -0.777395
MK17 0JT 1 1 51.951614 -0.773448
MK17 0JU 8 0 51.949001 -0.77899
MK17 0JW 8 0 51.951524 -0.775967
MK17 0JX 10 0 51.948518 -0.779214
MK17 0JY 11 0 51.948967 -0.778292
MK17 0JZ 1 0 51.953523 -0.762511
MK17 0LA 2 0 51.94775 -0.75901
MK17 0LB 2 0 51.956489 -0.763251
MK17 0LD 6 0 51.960105 -0.768529
MK17 0LE 2 0 51.945257 -0.803978
MK17 0LF 5 0 51.951605 -0.771731
MK17 0LH 4 0 52.018028 -0.907304
MK17 0LJ 2 0 51.948396 -0.765744
MK17 0LL 13 0 51.997758 -0.823751
MK17 0LN 3 0 51.993249 -0.814344
MK17 0LP 12 0 51.9974 -0.821226
MK17 0LR 3 1 51.989042 -0.828693