all postcodes in MK17 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK17 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK17 0LS 38 1 51.999234 -0.825723
MK17 0LT 2 0 52.000974 -0.822482
MK17 0LU 29 0 51.997248 -0.824959
MK17 0LW 6 0 51.997132 -0.821393
MK17 0LX 8 0 51.998861 -0.827145
MK17 0LY 9 0 51.999356 -0.827191
MK17 0LZ 4 0 52.00008 -0.828541
MK17 0NA 55 1 52.00255 -0.827369
MK17 0ND 4 0 52.005239 -0.829266
MK17 0NF 1 0 52.020068 -0.848447
MK17 0NG 4 0 52.000275 -0.829162
MK17 0NH 2 0 52.003182 -0.863229
MK17 0NL 4 0 51.998898 -0.866721
MK17 0NQ 3 0 52.000894 -0.837187
MK17 0NT 2 1 51.985807 -0.838073
MK17 0NU 1 0 51.985433 -0.902199
MK17 0NX 12 2 51.980597 -0.904269
MK17 0NY 9 2 51.96207 -0.882714
MK17 0NZ 6 0 51.974432 -0.859952
MK17 0PA 11 0 51.96816 -0.848413