all postcodes in MK18 / BUCKINGHAM

find any address or company within the MK18 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK18 4AA 4 51.992356 -1.010781
MK18 4AB 1 51.999912 -1.015538
MK18 4AD 0 51.99195 -1.077187
MK18 4AE 3 51.995561 -1.01776
MK18 4AF 0 51.987688 -1.035538
MK18 4AG 1 51.989601 -1.067726
MK18 4AH 0 51.987654 -1.095901
MK18 4AJ 1 51.993848 -1.092324
MK18 4AS 2 51.992933 -1.078518
MK18 4AL 0 51.990642 -1.075481
MK18 4AN 1 51.989159 -1.070866
MK18 4AP 0 51.990197 -1.072519
MK18 4AQ 0 51.987519 -1.076113
MK18 4AR 1 51.989813 -1.071799
MK18 4AT 0 51.996495 -1.068573
MK18 4AU 1 51.975906 -1.085873
MK18 4AW 0 51.990032 -1.070979
MK18 4AX 3 51.973427 -1.090801
MK18 4AY 0 51.972847 -1.091351
MK18 4AZ 0 51.969933 -1.091294