all postcodes in MK2 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK2 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK2 2JG 40 1 51.992697 -0.717854
MK2 2JH 8 0 51.994451 -0.716347
MK2 2JJ 8 0 51.99398 -0.716026
MK2 2JL 8 0 51.993791 -0.715114
MK2 2JN 28 0 51.993249 -0.716571
MK2 2JP 3 3 51.9988 -0.731824
MK2 2JQ 40 0 51.992379 -0.717557
MK2 2JS 1 1 51.993292 -0.732955
MK2 2JU 3 3 51.996197 -0.735597
MK2 2JW 11 0 51.99256 -0.716897
MK2 2JX 24 0 51.990588 -0.727337
MK2 2JY 36 0 51.990422 -0.725303
MK2 2JZ 28 0 51.990942 -0.72437
MK2 2LA 31 0 51.990183 -0.723183
MK2 2LB 18 0 51.988829 -0.720193
MK2 2LD 26 0 51.98795 -0.718732
MK2 2LE 10 0 51.988362 -0.717788
MK2 2LG 42 0 51.989553 -0.719007
MK2 2LJ 19 0 51.995666 -0.721381
MK2 2LL 9 0 51.989731 -0.717181