all postcodes in MK2 / MILTON KEYNES

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Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK2 2RS 18 14 51.994671 -0.729086
MK2 2RU 24 13 51.994344 -0.731215
MK2 2RW 13 0 51.991607 -0.729289
MK2 2RX 1 1 51.994334 -0.731236
MK2 2SA 18 11 51.99422 -0.732346
MK2 2SF 3 1 51.993944 -0.732616
MK2 2SN 1 1 51.993779 -0.734835
MK2 2SP 9 0 51.994908 -0.727768
MK2 2SQ 4 4 51.993875 -0.734526
MK2 2SS 3 0 51.995097 -0.726976
MK2 2SW 13 3 51.994908 -0.727768
MK2 2TE 1 1 51.995193 -0.725051
MK2 2TG 30 1 51.99861 -0.717554
MK2 2TH 8 3 51.995431 -0.728773
MK2 2TJ 5 0 51.997634 -0.729613
MK2 2TL 5 0 51.987687 -0.717735
MK2 2TP 15 2 51.99643 -0.728788
MK2 2TQ 48 0 51.998885 -0.717226
MK2 2TR 9 0 51.996796 -0.72939
MK2 2TS 2 0 51.996122 -0.729344