all postcodes in MK2 / MILTON KEYNES

find any address or company within the MK2 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK2 2NR 30 1 51.997845 -0.718348
MK2 2NT 5 0 51.998365 -0.719862
MK2 2NW 24 0 51.998001 -0.720281
MK2 2NX 15 3 51.998144 -0.719403
MK2 2NY 45 3 51.9982 -0.717886
MK2 2NZ 9 0 51.998878 -0.719877
MK2 2PA 1 1 51.999024 -0.71929
MK2 2PD 9 1 51.999388 -0.719673
MK2 2PE 42 1 51.999268 -0.721861
MK2 2PF 40 3 51.999473 -0.721754
MK2 2PG 16 10 51.999226 -0.72458
MK2 2PL 1 1 51.999729 -0.725417
MK2 2PN 1 1 51.999805 -0.724177
MK2 2PP 2 2 51.99971 -0.727771
MK2 2PR 58 0 51.998387 -0.723518
MK2 2PT 49 0 51.998637 -0.722579
MK2 2PU 33 0 51.99822 -0.727173
MK2 2PX 13 0 51.997796 -0.727948
MK2 2PY 18 0 51.998775 -0.728678
MK2 2PZ 4 0 51.999517 -0.729109