all postcodes in MK40 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK40 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK40 3PH 29 0 52.135906 -0.461333
MK40 3PJ 51 2 52.136773 -0.460967
MK40 3PL 30 2 52.136529 -0.460187
MK40 3PN 11 1 52.136286 -0.458749
MK40 3PP 19 0 52.1365 -0.457952
MK40 3PQ 51 1 52.135701 -0.460128
MK40 3PR 12 0 52.136702 -0.456922
MK40 3PS 17 0 52.137002 -0.457117
MK40 3PT 24 1 52.137403 -0.458228
MK40 3PW 18 2 52.135582 -0.457911
MK40 3PX 14 2 52.137839 -0.457891
MK40 3PY 1 1 52.137875 -0.459023
MK40 3PZ 1 1 52.137924 -0.457494
MK40 3QA 8 0 52.138894 -0.459492
MK40 3QB 25 1 52.13869 -0.4583
MK40 3QD 8 0 52.137764 -0.45972
MK40 3QF 1 1 52.132947 -0.453692
MK40 3QH 8 0 52.137371 -0.456446
MK40 3QJ 7 1 52.138554 -0.456888
MK40 3QL 59 0 52.139277 -0.456483