all postcodes in MK40 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK40 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK40 3QN 23 1 52.137624 -0.455868
MK40 3QP 15 6 52.136832 -0.455135
MK40 3QR 13 3 52.137185 -0.455328
MK40 3QS 49 0 52.138246 -0.45532
MK40 3QT 55 0 52.138141 -0.454885
MK40 3QU 59 0 52.136271 -0.454219
MK40 3QW 48 0 52.136167 -0.455144
MK40 3QX 11 4 52.136829 -0.4542
MK40 3QY 3 3 52.137135 -0.454277
MK40 3QZ 49 0 52.138476 -0.454333
MK40 3RA 16 0 52.139175 -0.454163
MK40 3RB 39 0 52.137866 -0.45377
MK40 3RD 34 0 52.136321 -0.453239
MK40 3RE 31 0 52.13629 -0.45362
MK40 3RF 11 3 52.137039 -0.453126
MK40 3RG 6 0 52.137309 -0.453131
MK40 3RH 60 0 52.136296 -0.452655
MK40 3RJ 57 1 52.13642 -0.451847
MK40 3RL 23 1 52.137938 -0.452379
MK40 3RN 20 0 52.139215 -0.452408