all postcodes in MK44 / BEDFORD

find any address or company within the MK44 postcode district

Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK44 3QX 9 0 52.137232 -0.373249
MK44 3RA 19 1 52.137732 -0.327947
MK44 3RB 7 0 52.135564 -0.329183
MK44 3RD 30 1 52.131164 -0.333182
MK44 3RE 14 0 52.132145 -0.33156
MK44 3RF 20 0 52.130951 -0.334038
MK44 3RG 19 1 52.128872 -0.329652
MK44 3RH 15 0 52.128954 -0.331607
MK44 3RJ 34 2 52.128172 -0.335252
MK44 3RL 9 0 52.126522 -0.336387
MK44 3RN 32 1 52.127331 -0.340243
MK44 3RQ 12 0 52.129204 -0.33338
MK44 3RR 7 0 52.130028 -0.336972
MK44 3RS 10 1 52.129548 -0.336771
MK44 3RT 1 0 52.129246 -0.348514
MK44 3RU 5 1 52.133883 -0.352017
MK44 3RW 1 1 52.124645 -0.342914
MK44 3RX 4 0 52.132012 -0.353438
MK44 3RY 24 0 52.127369 -0.337802
MK44 3SA 3 1 52.124944 -0.431209