all postcodes in MK46 / OLNEY

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Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK46 5HN 12 0 52.155991 -0.706882
MK46 5HP 72 0 52.156709 -0.707578
MK46 5HR 50 9 52.155697 -0.703105
MK46 5HS 9 0 52.153271 -0.70319
MK46 5HT 29 0 52.153787 -0.705134
MK46 5HU 31 0 52.154647 -0.707345
MK46 5HW 7 0 52.154691 -0.708879
MK46 5HX 30 0 52.154911 -0.707615
MK46 5HY 15 0 52.15523 -0.705574
MK46 5HZ 9 0 52.154396 -0.706621
MK46 5JA 26 0 52.135875 -0.706603
MK46 5JB 6 0 52.136255 -0.705262
MK46 5JD 12 0 52.13344 -0.703503
MK46 5JF 24 0 52.155491 -0.708081
MK46 5JG 1 0 52.129955 -0.702157
MK46 5JH 6 0 52.126726 -0.686664
MK46 5JJ 3 0 52.135975 -0.702684
MK46 5JL 13 0 52.133319 -0.690123
MK46 5JN 8 3 52.135056 -0.678953
MK46 5JP 12 0 52.144299 -0.73981