all postcodes in MK46 / OLNEY

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Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK46 5JQ 6 0 52.128963 -0.701923
MK46 5JR 3 0 52.147611 -0.735873
MK46 5JS 35 1 52.146323 -0.738025
MK46 5JT 6 0 52.145368 -0.738055
MK46 5JU 3 0 52.144962 -0.73795
MK46 5JW 1 1 52.135899 -0.701503
MK46 5JX 2 0 52.160165 -0.746069
MK46 5JY 3 0 52.1481 -0.73777
MK46 5JZ 12 0 52.148319 -0.732316
MK46 5LA 6 0 52.156017 -0.730007
MK46 5LB 1 0 52.163636 -0.736208
MK46 5LD 14 0 52.146841 -0.735339
MK46 5LG 7 2 52.152737 -0.680213
MK46 5LN 14 0 52.161858 -0.708218
MK46 5LQ 5 2 52.152246 -0.680549
MK46 5LT 5 0 52.134736 -0.70349
MK46 5LW 11 0 52.162052 -0.710259
MK46 5LX 9 0 52.152116 -0.712651
MK46 5LY 41 0 52.1535 -0.71267
MK46 5LZ 28 0 52.152737 -0.711888