all postcodes in MK46 / OLNEY

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Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK46 5DH 15 0 52.136736 -0.706417
MK46 5DJ 6 0 52.137867 -0.708737
MK46 5DL 3 0 52.1413 -0.706168
MK46 5DN 3 0 52.137003 -0.693916
MK46 5DP 2 0 52.14565 -0.68394
MK46 5DQ 2 0 52.159245 -0.708246
MK46 5DR 12 1 52.15199 -0.680133
MK46 5DS 15 1 52.153337 -0.679157
MK46 5DT 27 0 52.153276 -0.684217
MK46 5DU 12 0 52.159637 -0.708969
MK46 5DW 4 0 52.146149 -0.685139
MK46 5DX 38 4 52.15913 -0.703765
MK46 5DY 30 0 52.15982 -0.705982
MK46 5DZ 2 1 52.161749 -0.707019
MK46 5EA 41 34 52.16427 -0.705732
MK46 5ED 6 1 52.166176 -0.709233
MK46 5EE 1 0 52.159311 -0.708745
MK46 5EF 16 0 52.1617 -0.705269
MK46 5EH 4 0 52.169807 -0.714846
MK46 5EJ 8 1 52.175006 -0.72252