all postcodes in MK46 / OLNEY

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Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK46 4HD 1 0 52.172119 -0.682108
MK46 4HE 5 0 52.17204 -0.662562
MK46 4HF 34 0 52.175097 -0.658624
MK46 4HG 28 0 52.174526 -0.658992
MK46 4HH 2 0 52.162253 -0.697267
MK46 4HL 10 0 52.172321 -0.682705
MK46 4HN 12 4 52.176499 -0.688691
MK46 4HP 1 0 52.178984 -0.680402
MK46 4HQ 28 0 52.170065 -0.664464
MK46 4HR 23 0 52.161918 -0.643845
MK46 4HS 21 1 52.159377 -0.644887
MK46 4HT 2 0 52.16053 -0.643328
MK46 4HU 24 0 52.172884 -0.656146
MK46 4HW 8 2 52.187855 -0.697603
MK46 4HX 7 0 52.173344 -0.651511
MK46 4HY 28 0 52.173882 -0.656906
MK46 4JA 2 0 52.178972 -0.63016
MK46 4JB 3 0 52.180451 -0.636246
MK46 4JD 15 0 52.174233 -0.660873
MK46 4JE 42 0 52.175858 -0.660678