all postcodes in MK9 / MILTON KEYNES

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Postcode Area

MK / Milton Keynes

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
MK9 3BE 11 52.043471 -0.756392
MK9 3BG 1 52.043879 -0.753231
MK9 3BH 0 52.046745 -0.754994
MK9 3BJ 1 52.044903 -0.759376
MK9 3BL 0 52.047211 -0.753946
MK9 3BN 5 52.040031 -0.762048
MK9 3BP 1 52.047207 -0.753625
MK9 3BQ 2 52.042738 -0.755872
MK9 3BS 0 52.046881 -0.753993
MK9 3BT 0 52.046468 -0.754302
MK9 3BU 0 52.046196 -0.754937
MK9 3BZ 2 52.039748 -0.752063
MK9 3DA 1 52.040492 -0.747747
MK9 3DB 0 52.03958 -0.755048
MK9 3DD 0 52.040027 -0.753971
MK9 3DE 0 52.038944 -0.754395
MK9 3DF 0 52.039386 -0.753712
MK9 3DG 0 52.039605 -0.753181
MK9 3DJ 1 52.042259 -0.758414
MK9 3DQ 0 52.038576 -0.754449